Things to do

Open 12pm – 5pm, 6 days a week, with late hours Fridays, Closed Mondays
Uses traditional and sustainable methods of brewing.

Open 9:30am – 11am Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Morning milk tours, camel rides, camel milk ice-creams and milkshakes.

Open 11am – 4pm, 7 Days a week.
Cheese platter showing off local produce, family run winery.
Open 9:30am - 4pm Monday to Friday, 10am - 1pm Saturday and Sunday
One of the longest running surf shops in Australia.

Open by appointment only.
Joyflights of Robes township, coastline, lakes and beaches.

Open by appointment only.
Tours of Robe and surrounds including beaches, wineries, brewerys.

Open by appointment only.
An incredible scenic ride for those with a little sense of adventure!

See Website for opening times.
Local movies, great prices, candybar, onliune booking available.

Open 11am - 4pm, 7 days a week.
While you enjoy a local wine the kids can run around on the lawn.

Open 9am - 5pm, 7 days a week.
Offers a gorgeous range of fashion, jewellery, body products, furniture, unique gifts and homewares
Open 10am - 4pm, 5 days a week, closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Fashion, Jewellery & Accessories designed in Australia, lovingly handcrafted worldwide.
Open 10:30am - 4pm Thursday to Sunday
Home of fun and quirky surf style graphic t-shirts, art and design for all ages

See website for opening hours.
Private members course that openly welcomes visitors and guests